Flying With Your Pet? Know This First

If you’re planning a vacation or moving somewhere else and are wondering if you can bring your four-legged friends with you, the answer is yes! You can.

It’s pretty normal to be worried about flying with your pet. After all, arranging your pet’s booking and getting all the necessary documentation can be stressful.

At times like these, taking the help of a reliable pet transportation company is the right option. But considering the complexities surrounding pet air travel, there are several things to keep in mind and plan carefully to ensure a smooth trip for you and your pet.

Follow our simple guide below when planning to fly with your pet.

Things To Know When Flying With A Pet

Consult With A Vet

Firstly, your pet must be healthy enough to travel. So before you book a ticket, take your animal to the vet for a checkup and see if he’s a good flight candidate. After getting a go-ahead from your vet to travel, make a second appointment close to your departure date. Then check with the airline to determine what documentation you’ll need. It’s not unusual for airlines to require a health and vaccination certificate issued within ten days before traveling.

Watch For Breed Restrictions

Most airlines are putting restrictions on certain dogs, and cat breeds more than ever. For instance, breeds with snubbed noses (like pugs) are typically banned from the cargo space because of respiratory issues.

Some airlines will let you bring your short-nosed pet in the cabin, provided they are within the size and weight guidelines, but always check with your airline beforehand.

Review The Airlines’ Pet Policies

Airline policies are all over the place. Every airline has different rules about dealing with pets. For example, some allow small dogs to travel in the aircraft cabin as part of your carry-on luggage, while others will only allow pets to travel in the cargo area, and fees can vary, ranging from $125 to $800. 

Find A Suitable Pet Carrier

Make sure to check up on your airline’s requirements regarding the size and type of carrier you can bring your pet in. The American Kennel Club recommends purchasing a large carrier for the animal to stand, turn, and lie down. Label the carrier with your personal contact information if your pet gets lost in transit.

Purchase a kennel well in advance and get your pet used to be in the space. Your goal is for your pet to think of the kennel as a den – a safe place they feel comfortable in. It’s would also be a good idea to leave your pet’s favorite toy in the carrier with him, and don’t forget to cover the carrier’s floor with a towel to safeguard for accidents.

Arrive Early

When you check-in for your flight, arrive at least one additional hour earlier than recommended. Remind airline employees that you are traveling with a pet. If your dog isn’t staying in the cabin with you, ask airline officials to show you where the cargo compartment is for loading your pet.

Getting yourself and your pet situated before your flight can take some time, and having a few extra minutes can help you both remain calm.

To Conclude

There you have it! These are some crucial things you must take care of if you have the chance of flying with your pet. And when you’re through all the processes, traveling with your pet can be worth it! Not only will you have your whole family with you on vacation, but dogs are excellent companions for exploring new places. Want to take an easier approach to get your pets where you want without the added costs, paperwork, and stress? Get in touch with companies like Pawzitive Shippers, a reliable name in the animal transport services industry.